Fact - End-to-end  tests are critical if you want to make sure your software works as it should. To be 100% sure that you covered every (or almost every) possible branch in your business code, it is worth to check what code has been invoked after your E2E suite finished successfully.

Functional Programming in Java

Stream and Optional classes - added to Java 8 - allow you to have some fun with functional programming. The problem is Java still misses quite a lot to be taken as a serious FP language.

In this article, I am going to present you a simple trick that will make using java.util.function.Function.andThen() more useful.


Checked exceptions & Java 8

Defining custom exceptions (both checked and unchecked) is a common approach to handling errors in Java applications. It usually leads to creating a new class for every different type of error, marking methods with throws keyword or wrapping code with try-catch blocks.

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